General Security: Tips to protect your car and equipment whether you have or don’t have a security system.
Aftermarket or Factory: Pros and cons of aftermarket and factory security systems. How effective your alarm really is and how to make it better.
Alarm Features: Sirens, starter disable, LED, valet switch, hood/trunk/door switches, sensors, door locks, remote trunk open, window roll up modules, etc.
Alarm Installation: Installation of components: Sirens, starter disable, LED, valet switch, hood/trunk/door switches, sensors, door locks, remote trunk open, window roll up modules, etc.
Door Locks: How to wire up factory door locks to an alarm or adding power locks to a car with manual locks. Diagrams for different types of locks (3-wire, 5-wire, reversing polarity).
Relay Applications: Alarm customizing using relays. Examples: Horn beep, starter disable.
Diode Applications: How to isolate hood and trunk, door switches. Isolating parking light circuits for proper alarm operation.